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Mcqs on India's Freedom Struggle


History of Freedom Movement in India

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the Viceroy of India when Quit India Movement Broke Out?

a. Lord Linlithgow b. Lord Irwin c. Lord Mountbatten d. Lord Willington

2. Who founded the first women’s University at Poona in 1916

(a) M G Ranade(b) MahrishiKarve (c) Annie Besant (d) Tilak

3. Wardha Scheme for basic education was proposed by Gandhi in 

(a) 1930, (b) 1937,(c) 1942,(d) 1945

4. Which among the following is not associated with Ram Mohan Roy

(a) SamvadKaumadi (b) Bangdoot (c) MiratulAkbaar (d) Yugantar

5. Who was proclaimed as Shahenshah-e Hindustan during the revolt of


(a) MangalPandey (b) Tantia Tope (c) Bahadur Shah II(d) Prince Firoz Shah

6. The book SatyarthPrakash was written by---------

(a) DayanandSaraswathy (b) Ram Mohan Roy

( c) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Gokhale

7. BahiskritHitkariniSabha was founded by-------

(a) Mahatma Gandhi b) JyothibaPhule (c) B R Ambedkar (d) RamabaiPande

8. The first session of Indian National Congress was held at--------

(a) Lahore (b) Delhi (c) Bombay (d) Calcutta

9. Who presided the session of INC atSurat which witnessed the split in


(a) Gokhale (b) Tilak (c) DadabhaiNaoroji

 (d) RasBehariGhosh

10.Who among the following is popularly known as Punjab Kesari?

(a) LalaLajpatRai (b) Bipan Chandra Pal

 (c) AurobindoGhosh (d) Rash BehariGhosh

11.Who surrendered the knighthood conferred on him in protest of Jallianwala Massacre?

(a) Motilal Nehru (b) Mahatma Gandhi (c) C R Das (d) Rabindranath Tagore

12.Who organised the Satyagraha Sabha whose members took a pledge to

disobey the Rowlatt Act?

(a) Madan Mohan Malaviya (b) Mahatma Gandhi (c) Annie Besant (d)


13.Who founded the servants of India Society?

(a)Tilak (b)Gokhale (c) Swami Vivekananda (d) Jawaharlal Nehru

14.Who was the first women president of the Indian national Congress?

(a) VijayalaksmiPandit (b) ArunaAsaf Ali (c) Annie Besant (d) Indira Gandhi

15.Muslim League was formed in 1906 at------

(a) Lahore (d) Calcutta (c) Karachi (d) Dacca

16.Who was the first president of AITUC?

(a) Motilal Nehru (b) Malaviya (c) LalaLajpatRai (d) M N Roy

17.Who among the following resigned from the Central Legislative Council to protest against the Rowlatt Act?

(a) Mohammed Ali Jinnah (b) Sardar Patel (c) Asaf Ali (d) Motilal Nehru

18.Which congress leader participated in the first meeting of All India KisanSabha?

(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Rajendra Prasad (d) Subash chandra bose

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